Generated Friday, 28 March 01:18 AM EST from the TTRPG Blogroll. Also available in rss.
Benign Brown Beast – Fri, 28 March, 04:00 AM
I’ve enjoyed hearing how people have made use of Crisis on Christmas Prime in the last few weeks. I hope that by providing a brief sample adventure it might be more approachable. I rolled “Rag-tag adventurers are buying up candy!” on the crisis table, so that was the starting point. 3 Great Holiday ... read more.
GROGNARDIA – Fri, 28 March, 04:00 AM
Barrett's RaidersThis week saw the characters finally cross the Atlantic (with a brief stop at Lajes in the Azores for refueling), arriving at "Naval Station Norfolk" on 3 December 2000. I used scare quotes, because their destination was located not at Norfolk proper – which took a 1 MT nuke in Nove... read more.
Nerdarchy – Fri, 28 March, 01:31 AM
This blog post expands on the Joker Dragon with a full encounter arc that can span a single long session or a mini-arc across multiple game nights. You can read about the Joker DRagon in last weeks post here. Your players will go from unsettling...... read more.
ars ludi – Thu, 27 March, 07:02 PM
This may sound kind of weird, but once one of my games is done and released, I don’t really think of it as something *I* made. I mean, of course I know I made it. I spent ages on it. But I also see it as an independent thing that has a life of its own without me. When someone talks about how much th... read more.
dungeon doll – Thu, 27 March, 05:12 PM
A while ago I had a dream about a giant bear made out of wood, filled with books. This is my attempt to expand on that. [If I ever actually put this in a dungeon, I would try to add a rumor table entry indicating its contents, or describe it as sounding hollow, rather then try to use the fire weakne... read more.
Arcane Eye – Thu, 27 March, 04:24 PM
This week, we’re rolling with style—literally. We got our hands on two absolutely stunning dice sets from Runic Dice, and we're going to take a close-up look!... read more.
Kobold Press – Thu, 27 March, 01:00 PM
The Aspirants of Fang and Antler exist to connect adventurous individuals with suitable animal companions. After abandoning their own unsatisfying paths as spell-slingers, swords for hire, and tree wardens, the founding Aspirants gave their lives over to the task of tending, training, and healing b... read more.
EN World: D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews – Thu, 27 March, 12:30 PM
This issue features the Nine Hells, realistic character statistics, and a treasure trove of magic items!... read more.
EN World: D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews – Thu, 27 March, 12:13 PM
Pathfinder's original villains return this week.... read more.
Weeping Stag – Thu, 27 March, 09:13 AM
Last time on The Weeping Stag, I realized I had a prep problem with my game. My last session of my ongoing Star Trek Adventures (2E) campaign was a little too lean for my tastes, and I realized that if I’m going to deliver fully on the premise, I’m running Maquis v. Starfleet relations), I’m going t... read more.
Shadows of NyOrlandhotep – Thu, 27 March, 01:42 AM
If you’ve been following this blog, you’ve read quite a bit about combat mechanics—how to make fights meaningful, what kind of mechanics I want from combat, and how to keep things exciting during a fight. That’s not because I think RPGs should be combat-focused but because when combat happens, it sh... read more.
Dyson's Dodecahedron – Thu, 27 March, 01:10 AM
The Whispers from the Abyss (300dpi) Centuries ago, a secret temple was constructed to revere Xal’keth, a God of Shadows and Secrets. The clandestine cult obsessed with unraveling forbidden truths and harnessing the power of shadows to manipulate reality quietly constructed it deep under the City o... read more.
PhD20 – Thu, 27 March, 12:00 AM
Recaps are the unsung hero of tabletop roleplaying game adventures. They transition us from our reality into one of fantasy while connecting the stories playing out within. But many game masters gloss over this tool, defer to players, or skip it entirely. A few simple ideas can unlock the power of r... read more.