Generated Tuesday, 3 September 01:17 AM EST from the TTRPG Blogroll. Also available in rss.
ars ludi – Tue, 03 September, 05:15 AM
We’ve been playing a Microscope Chronicle game of a haunted house, across generations and a variety of inhabitants, and it is going great. Well, great for us. For the characters in the game, there might be more “demons drag people down to hell” than they like. And yeah, that’s straight from the pale... read more.
Roleplaying Tips – Tue, 03 September, 01:38 AM
A quick note to start to let you know about a friend’s Kickstarter, called City of Arches for D&D 5E. Mike helped me a lot recently. He spent a couple hours on a call with me answering my infinite questions and sending me a few great resources. (Thanks again, Mike.) There’s only a few days […] The p... read more.
Keith Baker’s Blog – Tue, 03 September, 12:22 AM
The plane of Mabar embodies the end of all things. It hungers to consume all light and life. It is one of the most common origins for the restless dead, as the corpse becomes a conduit for the hunger of … Continue reading →... read more.
Rascal News – Mon, 02 September, 09:21 PM
This is a community submitted press release.May You Fish in Interesting Times is a TTRPG about anthropomorphic birds going on a fishing trip. Over 200 backers supported the project back in June on Kickstarter. It is now available digitally on and DriveThruRPG.Cosiness, Trauma and Moving OnTh... read more.
Rascal News – Mon, 02 September, 08:15 PM
On Saturday, August 31—the first day of Labor Day weekend in the United States—workers at all three Hex&Co locations initiated a walk out and picket in response to management’s alleged union-busting activities. “Ownership has consistently retaliated against workers for exercising their rights,” a pr... read more.
POCGamer – Mon, 02 September, 06:00 PM
One of the most challenging aspects of basing a game’s The post Conceptualization: the Reality of Cyberpunk’s Earth appeared first on POCGamer.... read more.
Rascal News – Mon, 02 September, 05:10 PM
This is a community submitted press release.The Kickstarter for ENTROMANCY: DEFINITIVE EDITION is LIVE!Support the KickstarterENTROMANCY is a tabletop roleplaying game set in San Francisco in the late 21st century. In our world, a quarter of the earth’s power now runs on ceridium, a newly discovere... read more.
Azukail Games – Mon, 02 September, 03:07 PM
10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the gangsl of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks. This list has ten hooks and … Co... read more.
Richard Green | Game Designer – Mon, 02 September, 03:00 PM
Tyranny of Dragons was the first full D&D 5e campaign I ran, starting back in 2015. Here’s the write up from the 35th session, in which the PCs continued to explore the maze surrounding Xonthal’s Tower before finally entering the tower itself. I expanded the descriptions of the maze in the adventu... read more.
Campaign Mastery – Mon, 02 September, 02:00 PM
I employ a structured and systematic approach to NPC design. Today, I’m going to give readers the low-down – everything they need to use it for themselves. The system revolves around a text document or sheet of notepaper, and an 8×4 grid on another sheet of notepaper – and something to write with. A... read more.
Kobold Press – Mon, 02 September, 02:00 PM
In the U.S., Labor Day marks the end of summer and we all take a day off to remember the achievements of the people who do the actual work in the U.S. Thanks workers! We’ll be back tomorrow with more Tales of the Valiant RPG stuff, that also works for other 5E games! The post Labor Day 2024! app... read more.
EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews – Mon, 02 September, 12:30 PM
Kotor is another walled city that has an ancient history as far back as 168 B.C.... read more.
From the Sorcerer's Skull – Mon, 02 September, 11:00 AM
B1-9 flowchartRecently I was reading the rpg Flash Gordon and the Warriors of Mongo (1977). The usual take on this game is that it is less an rpg and more a boardgame. That's likely the way it will strike most people on first blush, but I think Christian Lindke makes a reasonable case that it is a r... read more.
Schwalb Entertainment – Mon, 02 September, 10:37 AM
Guardians of the Cosmic EggNew Victims of the Demon Lord for Shadow of the Demon Lord! Naga Rising: A New Threat in Shadow of the Demon Lord The nagas, a serpentine race from another world, have found themselves stranded on Urth, a planet already teeming with diverse and often conflicting peoples... read more.
Seed of Worlds – Mon, 02 September, 07:27 AM
More toothy links from about the internet. For even more links, see the previous list found here or you can check the RPG Blog Carnival or on Third Kingdom Games news roundup. Originally inspired by End of Week links. RPG Taverns gives us Dungeons & Dragons at Edinburgh Fringe Bl... read more.
Sly Flourish – Mon, 02 September, 06:00 AM
Back the Kickstarter for the City of Arches, my high-fantasy city sourcebook for lazy GMs! Check out the 42 page playable sample and support an awesome new book from Sly Flourish! The eight steps for game prep from Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master include: Review the characters Create a strong s... read more.
ars ludi – Mon, 02 September, 01:10 AM
I’m really enjoying the reddit GMless group. Right now it’s a small community, very slow paced. But that just makes the chats feel more personal, talking about what people played or what they want to play, what they’re designing, and how to make their experiences at the table better. It’s honestly q... read more.
Dungeon Fantastic – Mon, 02 September, 12:10 AM
I blame martinl for this, which just goes to show how I roll my campaign. Whereas, the dungeons of Felltower and their environs are full of dangerous monsters and fell beasts of untrustwothy and evil origin; and whereas, the dumping of the corpses of such monsters in Stericksburg's public facili... read more.