Generated Monday, 20 January 01:19 AM EST from the TTRPG Blogroll. Also available in rss.
GROGNARDIA – Mon, 20 January, 05:00 AM
The tastes of one generation are not necessarily those of another and literature is no more exempt from the alienating power of time than any other form of art. Realizing this doesn't make it any less surprising when one encounters an artist wildly popular in his own day but largely unknown in the p... read more.
Sea of Stars RPG Design Journal – Sun, 19 January, 11:07 PM
In many ways, Urban Brawl was a surprise success story, a new sport that really could only be appreciated through TriD and Ride-Along[tm] Viewpoint watching, no traditional stadiums or sports areas. It has transcended its street-based (and French) origin to become a major corporate money maker not ... read more.
Dungeon Master Assistance – Sun, 19 January, 11:01 PM
D&D 5.5 Character Sheet Here is the form fillable 2024 D&D Character Sheet you have been waiting for! This incorporates the 2024 changes to the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons (that I call D&D 5.5) found in the new Players Handbook (PHB). If you are familiar with the previous version of my C... read more.
Dice Goblin – Sun, 19 January, 10:37 PM
When I write for FIST and I have a clear idea of setting and story, I make it a mission. If I feel like there’s multiple interpretations and ideas that could fit the framework, I make it a toolkit instead. I just wrote a template for tense exchanges and deals – and since I think it works for whateve... read more.
Pelgrane Press Ltd – Sun, 19 January, 10:20 PM
By Kevin Kulp This is the 11th in our series on non-human heroes which has so far covered the spider-like Arakene, the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods), Constructs, the fungal Drowned, fey Hidden Folk, Intelligent Animals, Merfolk, Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead)... read more.
The Foot of Blue Mountain – Sun, 19 January, 09:43 PM
IntroductionI've been playing in a Wolves Upon the Coast Game run by NBateman alongside Jenx, Havoc, Ags), Zygocact, Kirko and Cellar Gelatin who have no blogs (make a blog!). It's been a lot of fun (underscoring the importance of experienced players and experienced referees) but there are a few odd... read more.
Daily Adventure Prompts – Sun, 19 January, 09:31 PM
nevershootamockingbird:coffeedragonart:Sometimes, when a wishing well has taken many, many offerings, all that gold starts to attract wildlife…[ Begin ID: A color drawing of a golden dragon half curled around, half perched on the side of a stone wishing well. / End ID ]... read more.
Dungeon Fantastic – Sun, 19 January, 04:19 PM
This is expanding on Rules & Rulings for Session 203. Do DF Felltower foes play by the rules? Yes. Why not cheat? I'm the GM. I define the parameters of the world. I literally have unlimited bad guys. I have unlimited points in my budget. I have unlimited access to equipment in the game world... read more.
Rise Up Comus – Sun, 19 January, 04:09 PM
Every time I go to a museum, I think "Wow, these artifacts are so interesting. The real world is so much weirder and more fantastic than the loot described in the pages of dungeon modules. Treasure should be WEIRDER."I think that might be broadly true, but it also carries some risks for usability at... read more.
Nerdarchy – Sun, 19 January, 02:44 PM
Tieflings are one of the most iconic and intriguing races in Dungeons & Dragons, known for their infernal lineage and striking appearances. However, they often fall into familiar tropes, like being brooding outcasts or edgy antiheroes. Let’s shake things up! Here are three new ways...... read more.
MurkMail – Sun, 19 January, 10:32 AM
This article contains affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you make purchases using these links, at no cost to you.Three wretched islands surrounded by raging seas, packed to the brim with grimdark goodness. The Darkling Seas of Islesmere delivers this in spades. ~make sure to read to the ... read more.
Elfmaids & Octopi – Sun, 19 January, 09:10 AM
Just stuff to add detail to a hex and are places to use and landmarks or avoidedd12 Landmark Additions1 Garbage mounds2 Road or rail or garbage-filled canal3 Monster lair4 Faction or gang lair5 Craters6 Mud everywhere7 Bones everywhere8 Fire or explosive damage9 Campsite with evidence of a faction10... read more.
EN World: D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews – Sun, 19 January, 08:18 AM
Monster Manual previews, comic and game distributor Diamond files for bankruptcy, new D&D miniatures from WizKids, and more!... read more.
EN World: D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews – Sun, 19 January, 07:15 AM
D&D, Cyberpunk, Dragonbane, Invisible Sun, Vampire: The Masquerade, and more!... read more.
The Azorynian Post – Sun, 19 January, 03:23 AM
I have spent quite a bit of time building out my “forever setting.” While not intended as a silly kitchen sink, it may be seen that way. The idea behind this setting is that I can have every fantasy game I run be set in this world. Games can be set in different eras and regions, allowing a history t... read more.